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fire extinguisher?

Which one do you recommend for home use in a multi apartment building?

Dušan Phiromanko and Janez Rezonjik have reacted to this post.
Dušan PhiromankoJanez Rezonjik

Smaller, for instance 2L Foam Fire Extinguisher and of course fire blanket in case if oil ignites

Janez Rezonjik has reacted to this post.
Janez Rezonjik

Good point!

I have this model


What do you think?

Do we need to conduct a service every two years of a fire extinguisher?

Each country may have modified fire extinguisher efficiency conditions. It should be prescribed in the fire safety documentation of the house, if it has been prepared.

Anyway, if you want to have a new one for increased safety, any extra fire extinguisher is great, for example 34A, 183B is prescribed in Czech Republic for a flat in a single family house.